Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Royal Food? Or Royal Ruins?

Oh Fasting. Roughly 28 days left of eating nothing sans trail mix and fruits. Honestly, pathetic as this may be. I miss bread the most. I like sandwiches. Especially those I crafted for myself at Subway.

I promise there is a point to this.

At the same time though, how is anything even remotely worth disliking about this fast?
So I'm not drinking pop, and I'm not eating meat, bread, sweets of any kind, or cheese. I'm eating salad, nuts, fruit, water, juice and I've even added vitamins to my diet. I'm even allowing for the occasional bowl of Grape Nuts or other healthy cereal (No matter how hard you try to argue it, Cocoa Puffs are not on that list) How is this a bad thing?

In the world of the physical, this fast is reflecting a stand against unhealth. I am not exactly unhealthy to begin with, as I was raised on farm vegetables - but there are certainly preperational things I can do. If I avoid certain things now in my youth, who knows how great I'll feel when I'm a swinging sixty year old? Or in my extravagant eighties. So when I'm off the fast, yes I'll resume sandwiches and pop - but I will be more trained mentally and physically to abstain from excess. Health is cool. Let's all jump that bandwagon, for real.

Now lets grab some scripture.
Daniel said something interesting. I imagine this is where they coined it "Daniel Fast" but it says in Daniel 1:12-15 12 “Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” 14 So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days.  15 At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food."

That's cool. Now going into a little bit more further study of the context, the 'royal food' here was considered contaminated. If you read a little bit more around the area, it says that the first part of the food was given in pagan offering. Sorry about your toes.

Another bit says that the animals used were ceremonially unclean. What does that mean? It means that the animals were not prepared in regulation with the law. Modern day context. Say you go out and shoot a deer, legally and licensed. The meat will be pure and if you have a grill or are good at preparation, it will be delicious. That was ground up as my baby food when I was a young lass. Now the other hand has the McDonalds cow. Pumped with steroids, corn that it shouldn't eat, and fattened to the brim so that it's no longer an animal. It's a walking food. Eat it regularly (like the royal food that was regularly eaten) You will notice a few changes to yourself. I don't have to list them, just watch 'Supersize Me'. You get it. Animals like that aren't prepared the way they should be. They aren't prepared in accordance to God's intention for animals. We are stewards of the animals on this earth. They are gifts, but we gotta take care of them if we want to eat them.

That concludes Rebecca's study on fasting and dietary things in general.
I'm going to grab a kiwi and some juice, stay classy.